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Thread: [Feedback] Dev Diary: Valentine 2021 Event

  1. #1
    Community Manager BB_Sious's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2017

    [Feedback] Dev Diary: Valentine 2021 Event

    Dear settlers,

    You are invited to post your feedback on the Valentine 2021 Event. Feel free to leave them in this thread!

    Happy commenting!
    Last edited by BB_Sious; 29.01.21 at 14:54.
    Pokud potřebujete pomoc, prosím kontaktujte zákaznickou podporu, česky. Můžete se obrátit i na mě, ale prosím pouze anglicky.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Exactly as written ... your hard-earned Flowers. This event was incredibly expensive. It slowly becomes the rule and one begins to lose the desire to play. This is no longer a game of fun, but about who invests how much money in the game to move somewhere. I know that everyone wants to make money in the first place, but even this should have its limits.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Jan 2018
    the valentine event is nice, but it has one annoying feature. If you want to activate the valentine bonus, you must apply 3 cards to the farms. The downside is that on the farm you want to have your own bonus, which multiplies the production and at best is also long-term (eg Bag Rainbow Snow in combination with Prestigious Friend Buff). If you want to apply the cards, you must cancel the current bonus or wait for it to expire.
    A simple solution would be to allow the application of cards to other buildings, such as workshops.
    And here is one more complicated solution: New Love tribute, which will be made of flowers from Flora and will be available, for example, by purchasing from a merchant (3x) as a farm. The flowers need to be watered every day (amount of water according to the player's level), then Love tribute would produce 1 flower / 2 hours, otherwise the production would be 0 flowers / 2 hours. Cards can be applied to Love tribute - with the card it would produce 2 flowers / 2 hours (no other bonus would work, not even zonal). At the end of the main part of the event, the Love tribute would be removed.

  4. #4
    Community Manager BB_Sious's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2017
    Hello, settlers,

    We appreciate your feedback and I've passed them on to our development team.

    Thank you and see you at the next Valentine's event!

    Pokud potřebujete pomoc, prosím kontaktujte zákaznickou podporu, česky. Můžete se obrátit i na mě, ale prosím pouze anglicky.

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