Milá komunito,
nelze si nevšimnout, že některé položky v obchodu cechu jsou nejen zanedbatelné, ale také cenově nezajímavé. Hromadu položek lze získat levněji u kupce a není potřeba za ně utrácet tvrdě vydřené cech mince. Navrhuji změnu položek (např. za nedosažené budovy z eventů) a úpravu cen. Nezapomeňme, že cechovní obchod má sloužit jako benefit pro aktivní hráče v cechu.
Dear community,
some of us already noticed, that many items in the guild market are not very interesting. They also cost many guild coins and a few of them can be purchased in the market for other resources, such as maps, beans aso. Therefore I suggest to change the prices. Also I would suggest to reconsider if BB wouldn't rather offer some epic buildings from previous events so that players get a better motivation for doing guild quests. Please be aware, that the guild market should serve as a benefit for active players.