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Thread: Be Late For Something Day

  1. #1
    Community Manager BB_Sious's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2017

    Be Late For Something Day

    Dear settlers,

    Have you ever been late to work because of The Settlers Online? Or have you ever sent your general to an adventure where you were invited, but went AFK for a snack just to come back and realize the host decided to end the adventure without you because you were... too late?

    That's OK, we've all been there.

    Celebrate Be Late For Something Day with the Community and share a memory where you were late in real life because of the game or vice versa, let us know if - for you - The Settlers Online is a game where you have to count every minute and be incredibly punctual to reach success, or if it's alright to let things slide and not be on time.

    Happy settling and take it easy!
    Pokud potřebujete pomoc, prosím kontaktujte zákaznickou podporu, česky. Můžete se obrátit i na mě, ale prosím pouze anglicky.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Dec 2014

  3. #3
    Ravise's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    I'm late because... uhm, NOT because I did a hundered of simulations for an adventure I don't want to play.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Nikdy nezapomenu na svůj první velikonoční event. Strašně moc jsem toužila postoupit ve hře a získat co nejvíc odměn. Tehdy jsem prakticky vůbec nešla spát, snad jen hodinu nebo dvě a musela jsem vstávat. Druhý den jsem usnula za volantem automobilu. Nikomu se nic nestalo, jen pomačkané plechy, ale pochopila jsem, že život je důležitější, než TSO.

    I will never forget on my first event. I longed for a lot assign in the game and get the most rewards. At that time I practically did not go to sleep at all, about an one hour or two… I had to get up. The next day I fell asleep behind the wheel of the car. Nobody got hurt, just wrinkled sheets, but I understand that life is more important than TSO.

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