Is Dark Tribe hiding somewhere?
Is Dark Tribe hiding somewhere?
What about craete some super soldiers not genrals but Soldiers like Bowman but 100 time strongest???
When building roads will make some sense?
Hello whats about upgrading the troops? I loved do upgrades in another games, eg. do an upgrade for some archer units which will be able to attack twice or triple times.
My second question do you have a plan to apply this game on mobile devices? I think lot of ARM based smartphones are able to play the game as is, just with modification for smaller screens. Just some how transform flash to html5 or do native app in stores, at least do some basics for smartphones as trades, mails, chats.
For last and not least to improve colonies for higher levels, I reached level 50 and even if difficult is still same rewards is also still same and not really interested anymore to my level.