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Thread: FAQ - Christmas Event 2015

  1. #1
    Community Team BB_Lyedra's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2015

    FAQ - Christmas Event 2015

    Dear Settlers,

    The Grinch and his evil friends were playing pranks on your islands, but BB_Santa decided to give us a hand!
    With his help, a FAQ about the Christmas Event has been created to help fellow Settlers. We hope you find it helpful.
    The list below will be updated as soon as we learn more about the Grinch and his tricks.

    Completing the "Getting into the Christmas Spirit" buff adventure before the corresponding quest is triggered

    We are currently aware that completing the first Christmas adventure before the event quest appears may lead to misunderstandings. The next adventure found in the next buff adventure calendar door will allow you to complete this quest as well, nothing is lost. Please have a little patience until the door in question can be opened.

    My collectibles only spawn on the main island, what's up?

    Before the December update improvements, the event collectibles also spawned on the archipelago.
    Now it is working as intended: Collectibles spawn on your home island only.

    What happened to the price for grout?

    The price for grout increased compared to last year, because this resource has a higher importance and trade value compared to last year. Even though the price was mentioned in the Dev Diary, marking the change in blue slipped.
    This was taken care of meanwhile: The new price is marked in blue.

    Help! The special calendar doors won’t open!

    Special bonus doors can only be opened if all previous doors are open. To collect your rewards, click on the special calendar door you want to open, pick your reward from a selection of buffs and items, and confirm.
    The rewards will be transferred directly to your Star Menu.

    I did not receive the final calendar reward.

    All Settlers who opened all the Event Calendar doors but did not claim their final reward will automatically receive it on January 19th. The reward will be sent with the event resources conversion, during the maintenance.

    Long story short: Everybody who opened all doors will get their reward.

    Explorers didn't find Presents anymore

    Since the Removal Phase, Explorers are not finding presents during Treasure Searches anymore. In case you started a treasure search before the Removal Phase started, you will receive an ingame message including Presents. The amount of presents depends on how many explorers you own. The team is working on it right now and it's planned that you receive your package until tomorrow end of the day (hopefully earlier).

    For more details about the event, make sure to read the Dev Diary!

    Happy Settling!
    Last edited by BB_Lyedra; 06.01.16 at 17:09.
    Má poštovní schránka je uzavřena. Prosím, buď piště BB_Amta anglicky, nebo se obraťte na zákaznickou podporu, česky.

  2. #2
    Community Team BB_Lyedra's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2015

    FAQ Update

    Dear Settlers,

    The Christmas Event FAQ has been updated: information about special calendar doors is now available.

    Má poštovní schránka je uzavřena. Prosím, buď piště BB_Amta anglicky, nebo se obraťte na zákaznickou podporu, česky.

  3. #3
    Community Team BB_Lyedra's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2015

    FAQ Update

    Dear Settlers,

    More information about the final calendar reward and the explorer searches has been added to the FAQ.

    Má poštovní schránka je uzavřena. Prosím, buď piště BB_Amta anglicky, nebo se obraťte na zákaznickou podporu, česky.

  4. #4
    Community Team BB_Lyedra's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2015

    Final Calendar Reward

    Dear Settlers,

    The final calendar reward (Gingerbread House) was supposed to be sent out this week to all Settlers who opened all doors and forgot to collect it. Due to potentially increasing the length of this week's maintenance even further, the reward script has been moved to next week together with the event resource conversion.

    Settlers who opened all event calendar doors but did not collect the final reward will receive their Gingerbread House during next week's maintenance on January 26th.

    Má poštovní schránka je uzavřena. Prosím, buď piště BB_Amta anglicky, nebo se obraťte na zákaznickou podporu, česky.

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