Related Dilbert
Type: Posts; User: Ravise
Related Dilbert
Fix your RNG on christmas collectibles: we pooled our leftovers and when I ended making gift collections at mayors', I got this
All christmas...
Do you need more people in QA dept?
The Xmas Event 2018 will be technically implemented into the game - take a look at our Xmas Sneak Peek for a preview of what's new this year!
Xmas? I hope this string will be translated as "V-Vce"...
Ahoj Pavle!
Jestli tohle nezvládáš čtyři roky, tak bych doporučoval zkusit jinou hru. Tyhle úkoly tě budou provázet plus mínus celou hrou.
Fór je v tom, že v tom úkolu není napsáno "vyrábět 0"...
After completing nearly two chains of weekly challenges, I say this:
I like the idea of more longerm-ish quests.
Leveling previously unable-to-level-up buildings is nice. The prices do not...
Is the second maintenance final or should we await third attempt?
@BB Please note majority of this server is not butthurted in any way. You sent gifts, we sent thank you. 'Cause that's how gifts work.
@OP If you feel insulted, then well, that's kinda your...
Clicking on new mail icon next to player avatar sometimes causes only hiding that icon and NOT bringing up mail interface.
Just to let you know, we use english abbrev for Master of Martial Arts (MMA) instead of translated MBU.
OK, FUCK this event, and I really mean it.
Given that event is scheduled for two weeks, you get
(2 weeks) * (7 days/week) * (24 hours/day) * (3 [slots]) * (10 baloons/cycle) * (0.976...
So... BB is basically turning every building into stackable one?
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING, expecting T_OBJECT_OPERATOR in programmers_day_challenge on line 5.
But I guess you want to hear ". Secret word: ornamentalsmith"
PS: unused...
I'm late because... uhm, NOT because I did a hundered of simulations for an adventure I don't want to play.
Jde o 15:30 SELČ. Ze které jsi časové zóny, že už ti 15:30 proběhlo? :D
This task must be completed on your own island like the majority of tasks in the game. If a task needs to be completed on your friend's island, then it will be stated in the task.
Then the quest...
"Normal" achievements: I really don't care for them. I used to look for achievements yielding granite and exotic wood, but nowadays these resources are much more easier to obtain.
Ah, t'was The very grand- of all social networks I don't give a damn today. One hour per week on dial-up connection. I surely don't miss those times.
BTW: tomorrow is Velcro day /suchý...
Drops from adventures and explorers
Uh oh. I understand that football tournament is significal source of footballs. But my efforts in adventures, achievements, tournament and exploreres combined...